So. As some of you are aware, last Sunday (Feburary 19th) was our first year anniversary! YAY us! :)
On one hand, I feel like that year just flew by. On the other, I feel like I've been married forever. In a good way. Not like a 'aaahhh when is this going to ever eeeennnddddd?!' kind of way.
We began our anniversary festivities on Friday Night.
Just kidding. I spent Friday Night stressing/crying/losing my mind over a science exam.
We began our festivities on Saturday.
Saturday morning, we woke up, snuggled until we absolutely had to get out of bed and then we drove to IF to help our dear friends, Jordan and Judith and little Gavin move house. Well, Samuel helped them move stuff, I kind of sat and stared at their darling four month old baby boy and their amazing fat cat, Bill. Who I wanted to steal, actually... but we all know I can't have a flipping cat in this flipping establishment, even though the owners have one but ya know, WHATEVER. not bitter at all about that...
After visiting with the Kesters, we went to have a most glamourous luncheon at Carls Jr. Samuel kept raving about how much he loved it and I was a touch hesistant to believe his claims about its yumminess. Nevertheless, I indulged him and we went there. I was only to discover it was AMAZING. Or maybe I was just realllllly hungry. Nah, pretty sure it was one of the best fast food places ever. Like a Chick-Fil-A but with beef burgers.
Next, we hit the mall and went shopping. YAY. It has seriously been months since I've been shopping for clothes for myself. We've been working really hard on having a tight budget but on our anniversary, and I believe for any anniversary/special occasion, to heck with the budget! Dash the money, dash the expense!
Ya know, within reason...
Okay. So here it is. We LOVE D.I. We do. Judge as you will. So we went to IF D.I. just on a whim.
I know Samuel would LOVE for me to tell you all about his amazing find.
A three-piece suit. A NICE three-piece suit. I'm talking MINT. CONDISH.
Fit like a glove. Well, no, it just fit like a really good suit.
Needless to say, that was the highlight of his day.
We ended the night going to the movies to see the lastest Mission Impossible - SUPER intense, blows your mind, amazing.
Now. Where's the part where Samuel loses something really important? Oh yeah. Right here.
If you know Samuel, you know he loses everything. all the time.
Wallet, keys, phone, important documents.
It just happens.
We came out of the movie theatre, head to Applebees (we had a gift card, like I said, budget...), we get to Applebees, about to get out of the car to enjoy an amazing dinner and "Where's my wallet?" I hear. We search the car and decide it's at the movie theatre. Great.
We've been driving for 15 minutes in this weather -
So naturally at this point I'm already a mess because I hate driving in snow. I pretty much hate snow.
Yep. I said it.
So we drive all the way back to the movie theatre. Not there, not where we were sitting, they said to come back when the next movie comes out and we'll go and have a proper look in the light.
The movie doesn't come out til 11.30. It's 10.30. I thought we'd be home snuggled up at this point.
We go to Texas Roadhouse. Best idea Hubby has had all day. Except Carls Jr. That was a pretty good idea.
Samuel had Salmon, of course.
And I had ribs. Of course.
'Ribs, I had ribs for lunch, that's why I'm doing this.'
Name that movie....
Needless to say, it put both of us in a better mood.
We swung by the movie theatre before we left, but to no avail. So we drove home in this again:
It was actually pretty scary on the freeway. We were going like 40.
Butt was clenched the whole time.
But we got home safely and just went to bed.
The end.
Sunday was spent just hanging out at home, enjoying some time together, just doing what we wanted.
It is such a beautiful blessing to be married to your best friend. :)
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Samuel found his wallet!
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