Why I Said YES Three Years Ago.

Today is a special day here in the Wise home.

Today marks 3 years since Samuel asked me to marry him.
(Yes, I'm one of those people who remembers all the little dates of anything ever.)
Best. Decision. Ever.

^^^ One of our engagements. Photography by an old friend, Caitlin Sheffer - she's amazing! 
Check her fabulous photography out at www.caitlinsheffer.com (now based in Virginia)

I think one of the questions I get asked most as a young wife is "How do you know?" 
as in, "How did you know he was the one?" 
So here are just few reasons how I knew, and why I said yes 3 years ago. 

1. Samuel makes me want to be better every day.
I don't know what how he does it, but he manages to do this magical thing where he loves me for who I am and he wouldn't change me for the world, yet he inspires and encourages me to become even better. He has this faith in me that I can be more than I am now, yet he shows so much love for the person I currently am and treats me like I'm the best thing in the world. I don't get it, but I like it.

2.  He has his priorities in the right place
He knows what is important and he always puts my happiness first. He doesn't spend hours in front of the TV or playing video games... unless he is with me and we're playing Mario Kart or something. He genuinely wants to spend time with me. This was something that I struggled with a little at the beginning of our relationship, since previous boyfriends, being the little boys they were, would often pick spending time with their mates instead of me. (That whole season of my life is just a big fat 'WHY?!'Sorry, getting off on a very unnecessary and annoying tangent.) He just likes my company. Even if we are sat doing nothing but cuddling, he enjoys it. 

3. He knows how to work hard.
I remember when we started dating, he would be so dedicated to his school work - it was very inspiring, actually. He was always getting 4.0's (a dream I have yet to accomplish...) while holding down a job and dating me. I could see he knew that you have to work hard for what you want in life, and he does. I knew he would work hard to make our marriage and our life work. 

4. He makes me laugh every day. 
That was a HUGE requirement for me in any boyfriend. I grew up in a house where we were constantly joking around or laughing about something. He is the right kind of weird for me. We have a very similar sense of humour, so it was so easy to be myself. 

5. He thinks with his brain.
Instead of something else. If you know what I mean. And he doesn't feel the need to measure his against someone else's. If you know what I mean. (Can't be doing with men like that.) But what I also meant by that is that he loves having good conversations. He loves learning new things. He reads for fun. He actually has a library card. That was the kind of man I wanted to marry and the kind of father I wanted for my children. 

6. He loves his mama. (and papi)
He treats his parents with respect, and always acknowledges what they have done to help him to get to where he is today. He is big on family, and he loves spending time with them. When you marry someone, you marry a family too, and I feel lucky to have married into such a wonderful family. 

7. The gospel is the most important thing to him. 
He still has his little missionary habits, and I love it. He is always making goals, still has such a thirst for learning and sharing the gospel, and he feels like he is wasting so much time when he watches TV for too long. He doesn't make excuses for not doing things or justify not doing them. He definitely didn't fall back into his pre-missionary habits. I say it alot to him, but I am so grateful he went on a mission! I just feel so proud of him for accomplishing that, maybe because I'm not sure I could have.

8. He's a goal setter. 
He is always making goals and working hard to achieve them. I love his ambition! He has a contagious confidence in himself and in me. This kid could do anything he set his mind to. 

Obviously, there are plenty more reasons. PLENTY. 

Arggh. I feel like I'm leaving this post prematurely.

But alas, I fear too many blog posts about my amazingly awesome wonderful husband may bore you lot to tears. Even though I could blog about him all the live long day.

Really, the answer to "How do you know that he's the one?" is this: 

you just know

As frustrating as that is, you really do "just know." The feeling will come and all of a sudden you'll realize why it didn't work out with anyone else. The thought of life without this person takes the breath right out of you because you really just can't see yourself happy any other way. 

Then you get engaged and you get married and you just think you couldn't possibly be any happier and life just couldn't get any better than this! 

But it does. :)

Happy Tuesday! 




  1. Love it! Happy three years! So glad you are in the family and so glad the Padres raised such wonderful men!

  2. Thanks Alice! I'm getting married in a few days and this was perfect to help me get over some of my jitters! You're the best and I'm so glad you are so happy!

  3. Amanda - I am so glad! Being married is truly the most wonderful blessing! Congrats to you and your sweet hubby-to-be, I hope you have the day you have been dreaming of! :)
