It's been a while.
Mainly because we just finished up school and are beginning to settle into a different reality of full-time jobs and no homework.
Oh yeah, except I'm taking two online classes (natural disasters and human nutrition, FYI) this summer... so there is homework for me.
BUT. Not for Samuel. Ever again!
Samuel graduated from BYU-Idaho on July 20, 2012 with a Bachelors degree in Communications and Public Relations!
It's still kind of surreal for him, I think.
He landed a job at his internship, because they thought he was THAT awesome. Which, of course, he is ;)
So he's settling into having a big boy job with his very own office and everything!
I am working at the Student Health Center for a few weeks during the break, which is awesome, I'm glad I can be earning some moneys during the summer.
So what else have we been up to?
Well, we were lucky to be able to have some of the Wise fam come and visit over the 4th of July and then we headed down to Utah at the weekend to hang out with them some more, and to see Ammon, Melissa and Zeke, who were visiting from California!

The babies are growing up so fast!
This week, we were also able to have Joseph and Janae and their tribe of kiddies come and stay with us! Joseph just joined the JAG program with the Air Force, and so they will be shipping out at the end of August. Their first assignment is San Antonio, TX! Exciting! But it will definitely be sad times for us not being able to hang out with them and the kiddos as often. So they are making a Summer Road Trip down from WA to Southern CA and back before Joseph ships out for bootcamp in Alabama, and they stopped at our humble college abode on the way!
Anyways. So while they were here, we ran around like crazy hooligans at the campus gardens, played at the splash park, played tons of Wii, played Minotaurus (a pretty awesome Lego board game. Hyrum & Asher are crazy about Legos), read books with Mali, chatted with little Sally, went to BEAR WORLD and went out to dinner at Garcia's, a Mexican restaurant in Idaho Falls.

This is me and Sally at Bear World, wandering around the petting zoo - they literally had two baby bambis in there! and some really fat goats. It was awesome.
(Picture credit to Janae. You should definitely check out her website -
We are super happy they could come hang out with us.
Oh my goodness.
How can I think about ending this post without talking about the epicness of BATMAN?
Yes, we did go to the midnight premiere.
Yes, it blew our MINDS.
If you haven't seen it, go. Now.
In my opinion - much darker, definitely more pain and Bane is like, the most evil villain EVER.
But seriously, it was epicly awesome. So many amazing twists. So well done.
I won't give anything away. Just go see it.
I do have to say though, it is definitely a huge tragedy what happened in Colorado. I can't help but think that we were watching the exact same movie at the exact same time just a couple states away. It could easily have been us. My heart sincerely goes out to all those affected by it. What a sick man.
Well, I think that's all for now.
I promise to be a better blogger this summer! :)
Love, Ally
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