The One when Amy hopped across the pond!

Hola dear fans of our blog.
A month has passed since our last rendezvous, and for that I apologize.
Let's get you up to speed.

We finished Winter Semester 2012 in one piece!
I was a little worried there.
Medical Terminology online was a k-i-l-l-e-r. 
But, alas, I managed to escape with my life, my dignity AND a 'B'! 
Samuel did fantastically of course.
My cute little straight-A's hubby.

We moved, AGAIN, but that's a story for a whole other day.

The biggest news of all, of course, is that my big sister Amy came to stay for the week!

We ran down to Utah last Thursday, picked her up from SLC airport, ran to Joseph's and spent the night.
The next day we spent doing the things we know best. 
Sleeping in, taking forever to get ready and SHOPPING.

We spent a few days in Utah, doing those exact same things.
Throw in some games with the Wise fam, much eating of yummy food, bathing in the glorious weather at the park and you are there.

Oh, side note, we went to the new City Creek mall in Salt Lake too... and if you haven't been, you really should. As Amy would say - 'Sexiest mall ever!' Plus, H&M is there. If you haven't been to H&M, you really REALLY should. It is kind of the best store ever. European, so you know it's good ;)

We drove back to Rexburg and spent a few days here doing bits and pieces.
We went to Idaho Falls, more shopping, hit Walmart so Amy could stock up on American goodies, watched movies, ate yummy food and went to Big Jud's, a craaazy awesome side-of-the-road diner in a little town on the outskirts of Rexburg. The kind of place where they make super huge hamburgers, like 1lb-ers, and if you eat the whole thing, you eat for free. I'm talking that kind of awesomeness. It lived up to expectations. 

It was rather lovely.
I hadn't seen her in over a year, and it was fun to have a little piece of England come and stay :)

Let's hope I get that green card done and dusted soon so I can make my trip across the pond this summer!

Hope your spring break was just as lovely :)

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