Not preggo, for those of whose minds may have wandered in that direction after reading the title of this post.
But I do have news that I think is pretty exciting.
This makes me really excited.
Name-changing can be a pain for many girls after marriage. So many forms and different things you have to change your name on - drivers' licence, social security, bank accounts, passports, ev-er-y-thing you have your name on. It's no easy feat, but we love it, don't we girls? ;)
Well, when you're an international in a foreign country, these things can be a touch more difficult/expensive.
Scrap that.
WAY more difficult. and expensive.
But this morning, I got a phone call from the lovely secretary down at the Chiropractic office.
(We live in the loft. We don't just have our mail sent to some random chiropractic office.)
She's a lovely lady and signed for a package.
I went downstairs and picked it up and immediately knew what it was.
Normally, getting your passport in the mail isn't THAT exciting.
But this one was going to be different.

See that? Wise!
Maybe my excitement is a little silly.
But I've been married for a year and a half and FINALLY I have something official that says 'Alice Faye Wise' on it. Until now, I've still been Alice Faye Dominey* everywhere. Which just makes me feel weird when my legal husband is a Wise.
*Not that I don't love 'Dominey'. I've been proud to sport that name for 21 years. It will definitely be an adjustment. Dad - I'll always be proud to be a Dominey, I won't forget where I came from. More pressure on Ben & Rob to carry it on! (Except if Ben/Ben's better looking other half pops any out any time soon, there will be pain. Tell him this.) Friends - please feel free to keep calling me Al Dom.
Don't be fooled by the rock that I got.. I'm still I'm still Ally from the block. ;)
This isn't all the exciting news guys.
I know, you're on the edge of your seat I can tell.
Friday, September 7th, 8am in Boise, ID.
Can you believe it?
I can't.
It's finally happening.
We finally sent our papers in March, 2012 so it'll be about 6 months from beginning to end, with a lot of money and heartache in between.
But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Finally having my green card will be amazing.
But you know what will be more amazing?
Seeing my family and friends at Christmas.
By then, I won't have seen my parents or the rest of my family for almost two years.
Isn't that so sad?
So let's all keep our fingers and toes and everything crossed that everything goes according to plan so I can go home.
And the plan is that I get approved.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!
TGIF, am I right?!
Love, Ally. :)
Exciting news! I had no idea that it took so long to change your name. You're a WISE now!! That's awesome! I hope all goes well with your interview. We'll be thinking of you on Sept. 7!